Tuesday, April 7, 2009

1. Mexico, 2. San Francisco, 3. India (holy cow!)

Ok. What a mess and where to start? I keep saying it, but time by SO fast and suddenly I realize that I didn't write my blog in forever. So here we go:

1. Mexico
So after crazy shopping and goodbye beers with the guys Jason and Haven in San Cristobal, we got on the nightbus towards Oaxaca. We arrived in the morning, stored our luggage in the busstation and started walking through the beautfiul city. In Oaxaca we went to the Monte Albin ruins, which was a really nice ruin complex and we were this time allowed to climb on the ruins - finally! We had a nice and easy day in Oaxaca, I bought a couple of books and we went back to the busstation in the night, because we were going on the nightbus to Puerto Escondido (surfers paradise!)
So in Puerto Escondido we stayed for one night in the Mayflower hostel. We went to the beach, saw the biggest waves and the biggest birds and at one point it all simply got too (TOO!!!) hot so we had to get out of the sun. We made the best dinner in the night and had some good redwine, enjoyed the people, the music, the smell of beach and then we went to bed!

And so we went on a 21 hours busdrive to Mexico City. And this trip was maybe the craziest trip ever. First of all I couldn't sleep AT ALL, when it got morning around 7 or something I finally felt tired enough to close my eyes and sleep, BUT then a movie suddenly started, and not just a movie, but a SCARY-THRILLER-HORROW movie and really loud and in SPANISH - and ohno, they didn't just show ONE movie like this, no they showed FOUR scary movies and I was going crazy.. welcome to Mexico City (:
Our days in Mexico City were amazing. Everybody on our way had told us about what a horrible city this was and we could no-way stay there for 5 days and so on, but we LOVED it. It was a nice and friendly city, with demonstrations, musicians in the street, amazing museums and ofcourse tequila!
We visited the really good antropology museum, the AMAZING ruins Teotihuacán, the venice-like area Xochimilco, but what I liked the most was definitely the Frida Kahlo museum!
In Mexico City we made friends with two german girls, Lena and Lena, who we spend most of our time with, sightseeing, playing cards, drinking, chilling, singing and having fun. One night we got very inspired by the Frida Kahlo museum and decided to paint and dress ourselves as Frida and so on (what we just didn't know, was that we ALSO woke the whole hostel up..)
I must say that Mexico has been one of my favorite experiences so far, I love this country and these people and the food and the drinks and the culture and there is still so much more to see and learn here - I will be back, that is for sure!

2. San Francisco
Our days in San Francisco were the best, but freeezing COLD! We arrived past midnight, took a shuttle to our (really NICE!) hostel called the Green Tortoise and then we just went a little around looking and the calm and beautiful city by night. We went for a real american pizzaslice and here we meet the most stereotypical american person possible and it was wonderful and fun and he spoke with such a thick accent that we didn't understand ANYthing. What a start!
The first day we walked EVERYwhere. We walked on Lombardstreet, to Coit tower, through Chinatown and by all the piers. We actually walked from Fisherman's wharf all the way to Golden Gate Bridge, which no american would believe. It felt so nice to be back in San Francisco and I thought about my family a lot and everytime I went somewhere I told Amalie "And I was here with my family, and here, and here and there". It was Nice.
The next day we saw Alcatraz which was really cool and then we did some SHOPPING, riding cabel-cars and eating more american fastfood, just because we could. We also went starring at cheesecakes for a couple of hours in the cheesecake factory. In the night we went to the cinema to watch Slumdog Millionaire, when something kind of scary happened. We were walking to the cinema and in front of us walked to young men, they passed the street and we thought of following them, but just waited a little to let a car pass. Later, after a few blocks, we suddenly see them running and a lady lying on the street and it was all really weird and everything happened so fast. But well, they pushed her over and stole her bag and after we were really just thinking, like that could have been us.. crazy crazy life!
Our hostel was really the best hostel, with DELICIOUS food (included in the price, mygod!) and cool people and atmosphere. We made kind of friends with one of the 'owners', and because of this he played Jack Johson at every meal the whole 3 days we were there..
So we took the Bart-metro thing the last night to the airport, ready for India, curry and punjabi music.

3. India!
With India I don't know where to start or end or how to explain at all. For me it was crazy getting here, having always dreamt about going here it was like stepping into a bubble of ideas I've had about this place, hopes and dreams coming true and like being a part of a never ending movie. We arrived here and got to our hotel Smyle Inn, just by the Main Bazaar Road, a road we now love for its crazy people, loud noises, dirt, colors, shops with EVERYTHING you might desire and more. It was chaos and I couldn't get enough! So Lea came and everything was good. So strange to suddenly have contact from back home in real life, standing in front you just reminding me of my life at home.. it was nice and we had a good night with some drinks and the most delicious dessert ever tasted: death by chocolate!
So Amalie got sick for the first time and our trip around India started. And just to sum up, because there is simply too much to tell:
We have been on nighttrains, daytrains, busses, jeeps, boats, tuctucs, rickshaws and even camels!
We sailed 3 days on the holy Ganges river, saw dolphins, camped in no-mans-land, had terrific food, read and found innerpeace for once.
We went to Varanasi, the holy city. We walked the small and dirty alleys with too crowded shops, we saw bodies burning, had a flower ceremoni and bought scarfs!
We went to Agra and stayed in a hotel with view of the Taj Mahal. We walked the big red fort, had great lunch and spend hours by Taj Mahal until sunset. Amazing!
We went to Jaipur! We saw Amber fort, the wind temple and greatest of all we went to the cinema and saw a Bollywood movie. We went shopping and bought pants and scarfs and all kinds of crap!
We went to a tiny village called Roopangarh and stayed in an old huuuge fort, which was beautfiul and amazing and we dressed up in sarihs and had an indian night witgh everything. We walked to village and made friends with the people and talked to the kids and took amzing pictures.
We went to Pushkar and the holy lake and we went on a camelsafari one night and I have really never been this scared my entire life. These camels are the biggest animals I have seen and my camel was crazy, but nice and called Rock, my camel boy was Tony and the 3 of us were a really good team (except the times when Tony wanted Rock and I to walk in the front, so he made Rock run and me scream.. tsktsk!) But we had a in the night and talked and listened to the silence and watched the stars while falling asleep under open sky.
And so we went back to Delhi, tired and amazed by Rajasthan and India and all.

The last days we just relaxed, Lea, Amalie and I, did some shopping, walked around, visited the Lotus Temple, my so far favorite place of Delhi!, and had good food and good times and a lot of laughs. We met people and went partying like crazy! And so Lea left and I miss her!

Amalie and I spontaniously went to Kashmir and the Himalaya mountains for a couple of days which was amazing. Crazy to be SO close to Pakistan all of the sudden and watching the news and all. But Kashmir was wonderful with fresh air, mountains, lakes, snow, woods, WARM PONCHOS and delicious kashmiri-tea!
But sadly the trip to Himalaya was also not so nice. What was supposed to be relaxing and cleaning in mind and body just turned out to be really stressfull and bad, we got fooled. We thought we already paid for everything when we got there, but suddenly we had to pay for this and that and it just kept coming and we now ended up a lot (!) of money poorer, but ofcourse one amazing experience richer, and I guess that is just how you have to look at it, no?

Now we are back in Delhi, walking the streets and saying goodbye. Tonight we will travel to Indonesia and time is really running out, going fast and so on.

India has been amazing for me. All I imagined and wanted from this place have come true. It might be stressfull and horrible at times, but I love the chaos and the dirt and noises and colors and holy cows and strong vegetarian food and all the tricksters and touts who all owns a tourist office or a government shop, and tuctuc drivers dropping you off at wrong places, and all the indian people taking pictures of you instead of the beautiful monument in the background. India makes me crazy, I love it and I want more..
But India also makes me sad. I can cry here everyday. You see kids, children, babies in the streets, begging for money or food, you see old people dying on street corners. You see policemen hitting people with sticks and so many unfair things. Like this it is a horrible world and I don't know what to do. I have never felt this powerless in a country before, if I could I would save them all..

So this was it for now. Indonesia next stop..


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Old stories from Cuba and a whole new life in Mexico

So - this is kind of embarracing, because I didn't write a single word here the last 3 weeks, and I am really sorry. So just to catch up really quickly: I have had a blast!

The last week on Cuba was really really nice. It was good to be back in Havana wich felt like home. The last week we met up with our friends from the first week, the only problem was that we could only find Frankly, because apparently Erick got arrested and put in jail in up to 1 year - because he didn't have a work. Really crazy to think that now we have a cuban friend in jail. But so we just hung out with Frankly and his other friend Roberto a lot, talked to Franklys family, walked through Havana and drank some rum - ofcourse. One of the night we walked home, we were (again!) stopped by the police, and the boys got asked all these horrible questions because they were hanging out with us - and in reality they were just two really nice guys who walked us home so othing would happen to us. That is something I really don't like about Cuba, the police!

So our german friends met with us in Havana and stayed in our casa for some days and it was really nice. We went out drinking these REALLY nice and good tasting 3 liter beers in this nice restaurant, which also had the best tasting peanuts in the world.
Amalie and I went there alone aswell, which was the funniest experience, because everybody really looked at us like "yeah right, they can't drink that much beer" - but we could and it was good. That night we walked home in the rain and fell asleep to thunder and lightening and it was really nice.

So we mostly spend the least days going to museums, drinking coffee, spending our cubano pesos on peso-pizza and peso-beer, writing postcards, walking all the small streets in Havana Vieja, going to an antique bookmarket 3 days in a row and actually just getting all of Cuba in before leaving.

So we said goodbye to Havana, Cuba and Ignacio and I felt good. Cuba was a really interesting experience, and it has given me so much. Taught me so much about the world, people, myself and it has given me stuff to think about for many months to come. I think you will never really be done with Cuba and it will be very cool to go back one day and see the changes that have happened.

So, we flew from Havana to Cancun and arrived in Mexico at 7.30 in the morning, all ready for new things to happen! So we went straight to Isla Mujeres, a tiny island north of Cancun, and we loved it. We stayed there for 3 days in a NICE hostel, spend time on the most beautiful beach. watched Austin Powers with people from all over the world, had free margaritas every day from 4-7, went to a beach party and ended up driving around with 3 norwegian guys really drunk in a golfcar. SO MUCH FUN.

Then we took the bus (the busses here are WONDERFUL and it is SO easy and cheap to get around!) to Playa del Carmen and met with CANDELARIA! Ohmy I was so happy to see her again. So the days in Playa were reeeaaally nice as well, with a really good hostel, hanging out with candelaria, going to the beach getting tanned and all. Mostly we just spend the day at the beach, the went to Wall-Mart and did some shopping for dinner and then started the party at the hostel. We met many really cool people here, especially two guys from Belgium calles Youssef and Selmane, they were like the nicest guys in the world and we went dancing with them every night and talked and laughed! We also had a night in the hostel drinking redwine for hours, still in our beach clothes and then ending up going out, looking beach-y, at 2 in the night - that was fun!
So one bad thing happened in Playa. We saw two people drown, which was a really scary experience, and I just get so mad at all the people running there to look and standing in the way for the people who can help and ambulances and stuff. But yes, it was kind of a really shocking thing and it sounds really stupid and kliché to say. but it really makes you think about stuff, like life and what we do with our lifes and living and yes!

So we went to Tulum, straight to the most beautiful beach I have ever seen and will see. Everybody in Mexico calls it paradise, and I can only agree. We rented a small cabana at the beach and spent the night laying at the rocks, looking and the stars and listening to the sea. Like, no words can describe how it felt to be there.
The next day we went and saw our first ruins!

Then we went to Valladolid, which was not really a good city, kind of boring, no hostel and stuff. But we had a nice Valentines dinner and a room with a TV, so we fell asleep wacthing bad romantic comedy. The next day we went to this cenote (an underground cave with a lake in it!) called Dzitnup and it was really cool. You walk like underground and then step in to this REALLY huge cave with the most beautiful clear water, so we went swimming and then we were ready to get out of Valladolid.

So we went to Merida, the capital of Yucatan. It was a really nice city, a chilled hostel and nice people. We played a lot of card in the night and made good dinner (we LOVE hostels with kitchens, yay!). We mosty spend time with 3 guys: 1 australian, 1 german and 1 israeli and we had a lot of fun talking, talking and talking!
In Merida we went to see more ruins. The first day we went to Chichen Itza and it was amazing. It is really hard to decribe what it feels like walking around these old ruins, it is really just something you have to see yourself. I still can't believe that people have lived there many many years ago - its crazy and like the big temple is very beautiful.
The next day we went to Uxmal, another ruin complex which was just as good and really cool aswell!

So we went one night to Celestun, this little fishermans city. Great atmosphere and great beach and we both got a little burned (which now means really tanned!!!)

Then we took the night bus to Palenque, which is like the best place in the world. Here we stayed in the jungle in a place called El Panchan, which was really nice. So this was like with monkeys everywhere screaming from the trees and party in the night. We had the best time here, went to more ruins and to the waterfall Agua Azul which was SO beautiful with the clearest blue water. And I jumped from the waterfall and I am so proud!
In Palenque we met these two guys: Jason from the states and Phil from England, who we spend all of our time with. Drinking a lot of horribly cheap rum and strange mexican alcohols, going crazy around the jungle and having fun. Palenque is definitely on of my favorite places so far!

So we went to San Cristobal de las Casas where we are now. We travelled with Jason, and we are staying in a hostel in a room with 4 bunkbeds and it is all really cool!The days here have been great, a lot of chilling, going out, having fun, going to the market. Today we went sailing in the Sumidero-canyon and it was REALLY beautiful and the boat trip is one of the best cures to hangover I have yet experienced (: San Cristobal is a very interesting city, with a lot going on, and I would love to stay here more, but sadly we are going to Oaxaca tomorrow to see more ruins!

Basicly I just love Mexico and all here. I love the food, the people, (the internet!), the nature, the attractions. I can keep going.
Mostly I love the hostel life, the people you meet and travel with for a while. I love talking to everybody, hearing their stories, sharing bad and good. It's strange and funny and beautiful how people momentarily pass through your life and change you a little bit each time. I love meeting all these different people, with who you share the same passion for travelling, learning and discovering. I love this life, for sure!

So this was it for now. I feel good and I am good and safe and Amalie and I are working out perfectly still and that is very nice.
But yes, I miss my family, I miss Daniel, I miss my friend, I miss you, you, you and YOU! And I send you all warm thoughts and lots of love.
So, untill next time, be good and take care and I will do the same!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Cuba: too much to explain!

Ok. So there is soooooo much to tell right now, and it is crazy and you wont get anything in that much details because it is crazy how much you experience here.
But well, let´s start from the beginning, no? A very good place to start!

So Trinidad got all crazy in the end. Well, it was a really good week and all and I looove Trinidad because it is such a beautiful city with such a good atmospehere and nice people and everything. But we ended up getting kicked out of our casa particular by that lady we thought was really nice, because we didnt want to eat her food because it was too expencive, and suddenly she had a new reservation and wanted us out. Just so stupid. But luckily we found this other place with this really old nice couple and it was cheaper and located closer to the park we liked the most and it couldnt be better at the time. In Trinidad we saw a lot and we went to the beach and we danced and saw shows and music and everything. We also meet these three cuban guys Ivaniz, Borro and Mario, a Ducth girl Anita and two danish girls who we hung out with a lot, saw a famous cuban salsa band and had fun. Nice nice nice.

Then Amalie and I hitchhiked to Ciengfuegos from Trinidad. There were like no cars and it was sunday and all, and Amalie said after a while "ok, ill pyut sunscreen in my face and then a car will come and pick us up" and so she did and immideately after a car showed up with the words "it must be your lucky day today!" So we got a lift all the way to Cienfuegos, and even thought the two cuban guys who picked is up got a little creepy in the end it was nice and cheap!

So, Cienfuegos was really nice. We meet these two cuban rastafari boys Giron and Pavel, who we partied with most of the days. Cienfuegos is a nice nice nice city with a good Malecon and the best place to see the sunset. We went to the waterfall El Nicho one day and went swimming in the cold cold water - but we are from Denmark, are we not?
And we stayed in the nicest casa in Ciengfuegos owned by the nicest gay couple in the world, who we also went to a drag show with. So crazy!
And we also meet the nicet guy from Uruguay who was really nice to talk to and with who we looked at stars with one night and it was nice and I saw a shootinh star and all.

Then we went to Santa Clara with the cuban train in the middle of the night. Actually we couldnt buy the tickets ourselves because they dont sell to tourist, but the one gayguy from our house went with us and it was an amazing experience. Really just like stepping into a movie, this old falling apart train in the middle of the night, ice cold and the fog everywhere and the guards lighting you in the face with flashlights and people sleeping everywhere on top of eachtother. Amazing!

So we went to Santa Clara and saw all the Che stuff and then train and what not and went to a Disco with two guys Rafael and Islandy we meet on the streets and it was both horrible and amazing and really something we will remember. But I will just say that I wont get surprised if some people get pregnant from dancing in cuba, because it looks soo porn-y sometimes that I had to go out and get some fresh air once in a while.

Then we hitchhiked to Matanzas and got picked up by one cuban and two italians and we picked oranges from trees on the way and ate sugar-stuff and it was great.
Matanzas was a great city and we liked it alot and saw the Bellamar Caves with was amazing!
So we hitchhiked back to Havana, stayed there one night and the next morning we took the bus to Viñales (ohyes, the bus!)
We meet the nicest german couple who we spent all time with in Viñales and we also meet a swedish girl who we meet before in Cienfuegos.
So Viñales is really my favorite place on Cuba, for sure. So nice an quiet and beautiful with the mountains and we did a lot of walking (16 kilometers one day!) and we saw caves and a big painting and nature and had a good time.
We talked to the early morning and drank a lot of rum with the german couple and everything was good.

Today Amalie and I hitchhiked our way back to Havana and are now here for the last week. It will be great!

So sorry for this really bad description of my time here, the next time it will be better I promise, because I really have so much to say about this place. It is amazing and horrible and fantastic and tragic and whatnot. So, all is good and I am good and I miss you all (yes!!!)


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cuba1: If only my eyes were a camera


So we got to Cuba really well, even though it was a really long trip and when we got to Costa Rica there had just been an earthquacke so everything was closed - murp!
No, but we got to Ignacios house at midnight and went to bed.
The next morning we woke up kind of early and went for a walk in the city, just to like, get to know the places, the people, the culture.
And OMG! Even though people have tried to prepare us for the cuban people and especially men, it was nothing like we had ever imagined. You can't walk for 5 seconds without someone whisteling at you, talking to you, contacting you in any way. It is "beautiful" "linda" "guapa" "be my wife" from every street corner and it can really really be too much sometimes.

But well, we got caught and met two boys in the street: Frankly and Erick, two really nice cuban guys, who we have been hanging out with a lot these past days. They have been showing us around, taking us to turist places and really local places and it has been great. They have also given us a goood introduction to havana club rum which we enjoy alot! (:

Mostly we have just been around the city and getting to know everything. Seen where the cannons shoot everyday at 21.00, churches, capitulo, the old obispo street and ofcourse the malecon - the long coastline where everybody hangs out. So so so nice! We have also been to the beach Santa Maria de la mar and what an experience.. I have never seen more clear blue water, whiter sand and palm trees, it was so unbelieveable!

Well, Cuba itself really is unbelieveable and for ever good thing it has it's bad things as well. We have been talking alot to Frankly and Erick about it, about the change and NO-change since the revolution and how they are really stuck here in Cuba and so want to have the same possiblities as us, it really makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world - that I worked and that I am now travelling for real, so so so lucky!
And it is so funny, or crazy, or something, because when Amalie and I are going crazy about all the old cool american cars - Frankly and Erick really don't care, they are going crazy everytime they see a brand new shining car in the street.
What a strange life!

And when I said that there was a smell of revolution in Argentina, I can tell you that it is nothing like here. And Fidel Castro and Che are like icons and there is really like propaganda commercials everywhere all the time.

Everything is SO different, and I wish I could explain better. Even pictures in this case doesn't say enough. But I can just say that besides the men sometimes, I really really LOVE Cuba. And Ignacio is really the best person in the world!

Now we got to Trinidad, in a bus six hours through beautiful landscape and small towns. Trinidad is just as amazing and so different from Habana, here it's quiet - you can ALMOST walk in peace on the streets, they are not so many cars and we might be the luckiest people in the world. We are staying in a woman called Mercedes house and she is the nicest person in the world and already told us that she will be our mom the time we stay here. And even better = we got here just for a culture week with music all day every day all week and party in the streets and markets and it couldn't be better.
So now we can't wait for the beach also, so we can get some tan and look more cuban (as if!)

So, this was it for now I think, I'll try to write soon again, but internet is really not common here - MURP!

I really miss you all and I wish I could share this experience with everybody.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Goodbye Argentina, I love you

So, muy bien people, this is going really well!

Uruguay was amazing. We had 3 hours sailing to Montevideo, so we arrived in the night, went for something to eat, got our room and just chilled around! We had the seriously worst sleep ever, because our room was just out to a street with several pubs, so there was really loud drunk-singing and drinking sounds until 7 in the morning where we had to wake up.
So we spend saturday on walking around Montevideo and seeing the small streets, the brokedown houses, parks, people, everything. In the afternoon we went to the beach which was the best thing EVER and really really really just what we needed. So we were there for some hours, just relaxing in the sun and swimming in the sea and all good. Next day we took the bus to Colonia and had 1 hours with boat back home. A great great trip!

So I forgot to tell you about la Bomba, so here it comes: La bomba del tiempo is this great(!!!) drum show every monday night somewhere in Buenos Aires. (A place called Konex or something!) It start really early, at 8 or something and then it's just drums and dancing and the greatest empanadas in all of Buenos until 10! We have been there 3 times and it was great everytime. The first time we were dancing in the street to reggae music afterwards and everytime we went to this illegal after-place and had a lot of fun. It was also here I meet my new good friend Chiky, so nice! So La Bomba is definitely recommendable (if that is a word!) and I LOVE it.

So yesterday we walked around. We walked all of the florida-shopping street, which is kind of crazy, because yesterday Buenos Aires was the hottest city of all South America, and yes - we felt it! Soooo hot! In the night we went to La Cabrera, this really famous and good steakhouse, with like the BIGGEST steaks I have ever seen in my life. Some experience for a vegetarian like me, seeing people eat a steak of 900 g (OMG!)
Later we went to a hostel and hung out with our brazilian friends, really nice to see the happiest and nicest man in the world again.

So today is the last day of Argentina and it feels really weird. Only a month has passed and I already have so many great things to look back on. Like the really rude waiter in Pinamar, singing christmas song in the car home, falling in the water in Tigre, dancing all night, making friends with a lot of people, drinking mate and tequila and 1L beers.
It am still surprised by all the homeless people sleeping on every street corner, children and families asking for money, or all the 'homeless' cats and dogs wandering around. It kills me everytime I see it.
But then again - Argentina is truly amazing and I will miss all the nice things here alot.

Now it's Cuba and me and Amalie on our own, and I can't wait for all the new adventures. We are leaving tomorrow morning at 7 with the first plane, and we are going to Peru, Costa Rica and then finally we'll be in Cuba at 23.00!

Love to you all and a promise to try to write often. (And to post pictures soon, maybe!)


Friday, January 2, 2009

La bomba, new years and a sky filled with paper

Feliz año nuevo people!

So, you see? I am getting better at this. So it's like only a couple of days since I wrote you the last time, but I remebered a lot of stuff that I forgot and new things (obviously) happened!

So first of all we went to Tigre, a place north of Buenos Aires, which is like a city in water. All the houses are build on 'sticks' and there's water EVERYWHERE (how lucky can people be with an all natural swimming pool in their backyard?) So we went there and walked in the jungle-kindof and we actually got lost and chose the wrong path but it didn't matter really.. It was just some more adventure added to the whole trip. One silly thing was just that most of the trails were filled with water because the water was high, so you couldn't really see where you were walking. This ended up with me falling into the woody-gross-water because suddenly there was a BIG invisible hole in the middle of nowhere.. kind of sucky, but luckily it was a hot day and no terrible thing happened!

Then we did some preperations for new years and this day the sky was filled with paper, or like peices of paper were flying around the air and it was so strange, but such an amazing sight and we didn't get what was going on at all. We went through the city and from every building people were throwing tons of paper out the window and it was everywhere in the air and on the street. I loved it, and it seriuosly just looked like something from a movie. Later we were told that it was because it was the last work day of the year and then they celebrate it with throwing out all the paper they don't need anymore or something. Such a nice and messy and great way to celebrate it!

So it was new years! Going from 2008 which was GREAT to 2009 which will, if possible, be even better. New years were really good, we had a grrreat dinner in the appartemen in San Telmo, made some new years calls to home, and then at around 23.00 we went to the appartement in Palermo where we had a BIG party.. It was good and we jumped into the new year, drank a lot of champagne and had a blast. Later we suddenly found ourselves in a big park somewhere in Buenos Aires with music and a lot A LOT of dancing people. So weird and wonderful!

On january 1st we slept until 17 and did nothing all day. So nice! Or, we went for a walk along the harbour, ordered tickets to go to Uruguay and THEN just did some more nothing (I guess we really needed it!)

SO - today we are going to Uruguay for the weekend. Just to stay by the beach and see some of Montevideo and the rest of Uruguay, it will be nice - I'm sure and I can't wait for the beach!

Now it is less than one week left of Argentina and I will go enjoy it.
Hope all is good and that no one got hurt New Years
Miss you all