Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chau por favor

Ok, guys, so we have a lot of catching up to do here, but I guess I'll just do it kind of quickly. You know - just to let you know that I am alive and allright and everything good.

So Argentina is amazing and all! The trip here was 20 hours of fun in planes (more or less!) but we enjoyed it and just couldn't wait to see Argentina and Simon (the brother of Amalie).

We are right now staying at Simons place, we live in the living room and I sleep on a kind of uncomfortable couch, but oh well - sleep hasn't been the thing we have been doing the most!
The tempratures here are incredible and so so different from what we came from. So we have some getting use to also, but ofcourse we just enjoy it A LOT. (but we could use a swimming pool once in a while, no?!)

These past days hasn't really been so cultural.. We have mostly just been walking around area we live in, Palermo, and just getting to know the south american way of living. We have been to markets, seen tango, horses, cats and dogs in the streets and been eating a lot of ice cream.

But mostly we have just been partying everyday except sunday and we have just had so much fun. We have been to home parties, graduation parties, drag-clubs and what not. Everyday a new party and new things to see and experience.

And we have also visited CANDELARIA (me twice!) and it was soooo nice to see her again, and her beautiful house, her lovely swimmingpool and just HER! Time passed by way to quickly both times, but luckily it wasn't a goodbye, because we are seeing her in Mexico too (yay!)

Today Amalies family arrived and the cultural stuff starts, which is really good. We are going to Iguacu today on both argentinian and brazilian (OMG!) side of the waterfalls, after this we are going to Pinamar to stay by the beach, tan and just enjoy the good life!
Then it's suddenly christmas which this doesn't feel like at all, hahaha.

I'll write more and better soon.
Miss you all a lot!

1 comment:

Renato Rocha said...

Hello Tess,

Now I got the right adress! Thanks and enjoy your trip!