Tuesday, April 7, 2009

1. Mexico, 2. San Francisco, 3. India (holy cow!)

Ok. What a mess and where to start? I keep saying it, but time by SO fast and suddenly I realize that I didn't write my blog in forever. So here we go:

1. Mexico
So after crazy shopping and goodbye beers with the guys Jason and Haven in San Cristobal, we got on the nightbus towards Oaxaca. We arrived in the morning, stored our luggage in the busstation and started walking through the beautfiul city. In Oaxaca we went to the Monte Albin ruins, which was a really nice ruin complex and we were this time allowed to climb on the ruins - finally! We had a nice and easy day in Oaxaca, I bought a couple of books and we went back to the busstation in the night, because we were going on the nightbus to Puerto Escondido (surfers paradise!)
So in Puerto Escondido we stayed for one night in the Mayflower hostel. We went to the beach, saw the biggest waves and the biggest birds and at one point it all simply got too (TOO!!!) hot so we had to get out of the sun. We made the best dinner in the night and had some good redwine, enjoyed the people, the music, the smell of beach and then we went to bed!

And so we went on a 21 hours busdrive to Mexico City. And this trip was maybe the craziest trip ever. First of all I couldn't sleep AT ALL, when it got morning around 7 or something I finally felt tired enough to close my eyes and sleep, BUT then a movie suddenly started, and not just a movie, but a SCARY-THRILLER-HORROW movie and really loud and in SPANISH - and ohno, they didn't just show ONE movie like this, no they showed FOUR scary movies and I was going crazy.. welcome to Mexico City (:
Our days in Mexico City were amazing. Everybody on our way had told us about what a horrible city this was and we could no-way stay there for 5 days and so on, but we LOVED it. It was a nice and friendly city, with demonstrations, musicians in the street, amazing museums and ofcourse tequila!
We visited the really good antropology museum, the AMAZING ruins Teotihuacán, the venice-like area Xochimilco, but what I liked the most was definitely the Frida Kahlo museum!
In Mexico City we made friends with two german girls, Lena and Lena, who we spend most of our time with, sightseeing, playing cards, drinking, chilling, singing and having fun. One night we got very inspired by the Frida Kahlo museum and decided to paint and dress ourselves as Frida and so on (what we just didn't know, was that we ALSO woke the whole hostel up..)
I must say that Mexico has been one of my favorite experiences so far, I love this country and these people and the food and the drinks and the culture and there is still so much more to see and learn here - I will be back, that is for sure!

2. San Francisco
Our days in San Francisco were the best, but freeezing COLD! We arrived past midnight, took a shuttle to our (really NICE!) hostel called the Green Tortoise and then we just went a little around looking and the calm and beautiful city by night. We went for a real american pizzaslice and here we meet the most stereotypical american person possible and it was wonderful and fun and he spoke with such a thick accent that we didn't understand ANYthing. What a start!
The first day we walked EVERYwhere. We walked on Lombardstreet, to Coit tower, through Chinatown and by all the piers. We actually walked from Fisherman's wharf all the way to Golden Gate Bridge, which no american would believe. It felt so nice to be back in San Francisco and I thought about my family a lot and everytime I went somewhere I told Amalie "And I was here with my family, and here, and here and there". It was Nice.
The next day we saw Alcatraz which was really cool and then we did some SHOPPING, riding cabel-cars and eating more american fastfood, just because we could. We also went starring at cheesecakes for a couple of hours in the cheesecake factory. In the night we went to the cinema to watch Slumdog Millionaire, when something kind of scary happened. We were walking to the cinema and in front of us walked to young men, they passed the street and we thought of following them, but just waited a little to let a car pass. Later, after a few blocks, we suddenly see them running and a lady lying on the street and it was all really weird and everything happened so fast. But well, they pushed her over and stole her bag and after we were really just thinking, like that could have been us.. crazy crazy life!
Our hostel was really the best hostel, with DELICIOUS food (included in the price, mygod!) and cool people and atmosphere. We made kind of friends with one of the 'owners', and because of this he played Jack Johson at every meal the whole 3 days we were there..
So we took the Bart-metro thing the last night to the airport, ready for India, curry and punjabi music.

3. India!
With India I don't know where to start or end or how to explain at all. For me it was crazy getting here, having always dreamt about going here it was like stepping into a bubble of ideas I've had about this place, hopes and dreams coming true and like being a part of a never ending movie. We arrived here and got to our hotel Smyle Inn, just by the Main Bazaar Road, a road we now love for its crazy people, loud noises, dirt, colors, shops with EVERYTHING you might desire and more. It was chaos and I couldn't get enough! So Lea came and everything was good. So strange to suddenly have contact from back home in real life, standing in front you just reminding me of my life at home.. it was nice and we had a good night with some drinks and the most delicious dessert ever tasted: death by chocolate!
So Amalie got sick for the first time and our trip around India started. And just to sum up, because there is simply too much to tell:
We have been on nighttrains, daytrains, busses, jeeps, boats, tuctucs, rickshaws and even camels!
We sailed 3 days on the holy Ganges river, saw dolphins, camped in no-mans-land, had terrific food, read and found innerpeace for once.
We went to Varanasi, the holy city. We walked the small and dirty alleys with too crowded shops, we saw bodies burning, had a flower ceremoni and bought scarfs!
We went to Agra and stayed in a hotel with view of the Taj Mahal. We walked the big red fort, had great lunch and spend hours by Taj Mahal until sunset. Amazing!
We went to Jaipur! We saw Amber fort, the wind temple and greatest of all we went to the cinema and saw a Bollywood movie. We went shopping and bought pants and scarfs and all kinds of crap!
We went to a tiny village called Roopangarh and stayed in an old huuuge fort, which was beautfiul and amazing and we dressed up in sarihs and had an indian night witgh everything. We walked to village and made friends with the people and talked to the kids and took amzing pictures.
We went to Pushkar and the holy lake and we went on a camelsafari one night and I have really never been this scared my entire life. These camels are the biggest animals I have seen and my camel was crazy, but nice and called Rock, my camel boy was Tony and the 3 of us were a really good team (except the times when Tony wanted Rock and I to walk in the front, so he made Rock run and me scream.. tsktsk!) But we had a in the night and talked and listened to the silence and watched the stars while falling asleep under open sky.
And so we went back to Delhi, tired and amazed by Rajasthan and India and all.

The last days we just relaxed, Lea, Amalie and I, did some shopping, walked around, visited the Lotus Temple, my so far favorite place of Delhi!, and had good food and good times and a lot of laughs. We met people and went partying like crazy! And so Lea left and I miss her!

Amalie and I spontaniously went to Kashmir and the Himalaya mountains for a couple of days which was amazing. Crazy to be SO close to Pakistan all of the sudden and watching the news and all. But Kashmir was wonderful with fresh air, mountains, lakes, snow, woods, WARM PONCHOS and delicious kashmiri-tea!
But sadly the trip to Himalaya was also not so nice. What was supposed to be relaxing and cleaning in mind and body just turned out to be really stressfull and bad, we got fooled. We thought we already paid for everything when we got there, but suddenly we had to pay for this and that and it just kept coming and we now ended up a lot (!) of money poorer, but ofcourse one amazing experience richer, and I guess that is just how you have to look at it, no?

Now we are back in Delhi, walking the streets and saying goodbye. Tonight we will travel to Indonesia and time is really running out, going fast and so on.

India has been amazing for me. All I imagined and wanted from this place have come true. It might be stressfull and horrible at times, but I love the chaos and the dirt and noises and colors and holy cows and strong vegetarian food and all the tricksters and touts who all owns a tourist office or a government shop, and tuctuc drivers dropping you off at wrong places, and all the indian people taking pictures of you instead of the beautiful monument in the background. India makes me crazy, I love it and I want more..
But India also makes me sad. I can cry here everyday. You see kids, children, babies in the streets, begging for money or food, you see old people dying on street corners. You see policemen hitting people with sticks and so many unfair things. Like this it is a horrible world and I don't know what to do. I have never felt this powerless in a country before, if I could I would save them all..

So this was it for now. Indonesia next stop..
