Sunday, December 28, 2008

The good life in Argentina

Hola chikos

Days pass by so fast here. Tomorrow I have already been here for 3 weeks and it seems like the longest and shortest time in the world. On one hand it feels like 3 years, on the other it feels like 3 minutes.

Ok. Back to buisness: We went to Iguazu. 15 hours in a luxurious bus driving through the beautiful Argentina, really nice! We spend the first day on the brasilian side and I was sooo excited to be in Brasil again! On this side we were like walking on a trail watching the waterfalls from "far away" and it was suuch a beautiful sight. I have never seen so much water in my etire life!
At the end of the day, just before going home, I saw this boy walking away from me and I was like "hmm, this walk reminds me of something" and suddenly I realized it was my friend Pimpa from Brasil, so I ran up to him and it WAS him and it was just so amazing to see him again, so random in the middle Iguazu. So we talked and luckily we were going with the same bus, but then we had to say goodbye. But it was really like the most amazing day ever: being absolutely amazed by the waterfalls and then being absolutely happy to see Pimpa again.

The next day we got up really early to see the argentinian side of the wateralls. It was if possible even more amazing than the day before. On this side you walk like on top of the waterfalls and you are REALLY close to the water and there is soo much noise and it really just blows you away when you are there. So we spend the whole day there and it was so hot, so we took a boat to an island and we went swimming just below the biiig waterfalls, what a memorable experience, for sure! Then we went back and took the bus 15 hours home again.

So we were back in buenos for like 4 hours, then we picked up two cars and started the 400 km trip south to Pinamar.
The days there were really cool, even though the city was totally empty, because high season doesn't start until like next week. The weather was not really the best, but it was still really hot and somehow we all ended up really sunburned. Luckily the red turned more brown-ish now, so we all look good. In Pinamar we went shopping, tanning, to the beach and ate a lot of icecream. (Amalie and I have a thing called "ice cream of the day"!!)
The first night in Pinamar we were just walking around (Peter, Ise, Simon, Amalie and I). We went to this play-place and drove the radio-cars and played pool and had fun. Then we went back to the hotel at about 2-3 in the night and we really felt like taking a swim in the pool. So we asked in the reception and the guy was like: suuure, do it! And just make the noise you want and blah. Hahaha, so he served us beers and champagne and we went swimming. It was so much fun, but apparently other people living in the hotel didn't like it as much as we did and complained, but the guy in the reception didn't care at all. He was really so nice!

Then suddenly christmas appeared out of nothing. We had a really nice night with very high tempratures, good food, good present and stealing the christmas tree in the lobby (yay!)
So these last says we have just been walking around the different areas of Buenos Aires. We've so far mostly been to the micro centro, la boca and palermo. La boca was REALLY amazing and I loved the coloured houses and the whole atmosphere, sadly it's really slummy and smelly and dangerous, but maybe that is part of the charm I think. We went to a really boring football match, but we saw Maradona and a lot of famous people (ofcourse we didn't know any of them, but it was great still!)
Today we went to a big flee market, later we are going to the big cemetery and tonight I invited the family to dinner on an 'all you can eat'-restaurant we've talked about since we arrived here. And tonight is just relaxing, resting, no alcohol!

So, so far 3 weeks have passed and we still have 1½ week to go and I can't believe it. I love the life here! I love the smell of revolution on every street corner, parties in the streets with strangers and drums. I love driving in the middle of the city with 120 km/h, extremely hot busses and unofficial dangerous cabs! I love meeting new people all the time, dancing until 9 in the morning and all the tequila.

Argentina is great and I feel good!

So until the next time: Merry christmas to everybody and a happy new year.
I miss you all a lot and hope everything is good around the world. And I send special be safe thoughts to Dari in Israel, take care, ok?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Chau por favor

Ok, guys, so we have a lot of catching up to do here, but I guess I'll just do it kind of quickly. You know - just to let you know that I am alive and allright and everything good.

So Argentina is amazing and all! The trip here was 20 hours of fun in planes (more or less!) but we enjoyed it and just couldn't wait to see Argentina and Simon (the brother of Amalie).

We are right now staying at Simons place, we live in the living room and I sleep on a kind of uncomfortable couch, but oh well - sleep hasn't been the thing we have been doing the most!
The tempratures here are incredible and so so different from what we came from. So we have some getting use to also, but ofcourse we just enjoy it A LOT. (but we could use a swimming pool once in a while, no?!)

These past days hasn't really been so cultural.. We have mostly just been walking around area we live in, Palermo, and just getting to know the south american way of living. We have been to markets, seen tango, horses, cats and dogs in the streets and been eating a lot of ice cream.

But mostly we have just been partying everyday except sunday and we have just had so much fun. We have been to home parties, graduation parties, drag-clubs and what not. Everyday a new party and new things to see and experience.

And we have also visited CANDELARIA (me twice!) and it was soooo nice to see her again, and her beautiful house, her lovely swimmingpool and just HER! Time passed by way to quickly both times, but luckily it wasn't a goodbye, because we are seeing her in Mexico too (yay!)

Today Amalies family arrived and the cultural stuff starts, which is really good. We are going to Iguacu today on both argentinian and brazilian (OMG!) side of the waterfalls, after this we are going to Pinamar to stay by the beach, tan and just enjoy the good life!
Then it's suddenly christmas which this doesn't feel like at all, hahaha.

I'll write more and better soon.
Miss you all a lot!